Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Anything someone, something, or some society or culture says or does "to" you, has nothing to do with you. It is their stuff, not yours. Even if someone says something cruel to you, again, it truly has nothing to do with you. It just speaks to the particular way they view the world. It is marred by the interpretations they have made about how life goes for them. It does not define your worth or value. So quit taking it so personally!

If you're blaming anyone for anything, you're giving up your power to be responsible for your life. You're giving up your rightful place as the creator of your life experience to be a player in someone else’s game and play victim to their rule.

Reclaim your life and your power. You are by nature a strong, courageous being with the capacity to empower nations and instigate world change. Start living your life as the miraculous leader you truly are.

Nightly, reflect on each time you reacted negatively in the day. For each instance, think of something empowering you could have done instead. Then the following day, practice implementing your new created responses.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Moment of Truth

You know those moments when the world seems to stop and wait for your reaction? You get knocked off your feet on the street, someone spills red wine all down the back of your beautiful white jacket, someone cuts you off on the highway, someone knocks into your table and your food ends up in your lap, you get into a fight with your significant other because the inconsiderate (fill in the blank) did (fill in the blank) (didn’t help with the dishes, left the seat up, took an hour to get ready, teased you about your new haircut, got home late) again…?

When you take a moment to reflect on all the time you spend getting upset or frustrated or irate with people and life it’s incredible, and disturbing, to recognize how much time and energy of your life is spent reacting to what life seems to throw at you.

Life is too short and far too precious to be spent in a whirlwind of irritation, anger and fear.

The trick to changing your reaction from disaster to ease? Awareness.

First, notice if you’re taking it personally. You don’t truly know what’s going on for the other person (or what the situation is) and whatever happened was not a personal vendetta or attack against you. The world is not against you.

Next, consider, how much does this incident really mean in the grand scheme of things? That moment is officially the past and you can’t do anything to change that it happened – so how do you want your present to be?

Then choose.

Those reactions are costing you your life. Do you want your days to be exhausted and trying or fulfilling and joyful? You get to say.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Your Dream Life

Do you ever daydream about what your life would look like if it were perfect?

For that brief moment, you have this glorious glimpse into another world, one where anything is possible; where dreams and reality are one in the same and life is an experience of love, joy and satisfaction.

Then something happens to bring you back to the present moment and it’s as if all of the sudden someone slammed the door shut on that vision and sent you running back under the covers of your bed where it was safe and comfortable.

Let me tell you something, life is not happening under the covers! What feels safe, comfortable and familiar will not get you the life of your dreams!

So rather than relinquishing all control and declaring your life to be bound by your circumstances, consider for a moment - what are you really afraid of that’s preventing you from having this life?

Make a list of all areas where you’re holding back, avoiding, or stopping in life. For each area, ask yourself, am I coming from love or am I coming from fear? If fear, distinguish exactly what the fear is about. What are you sacrificing to maintain that? What actions can you create from a place of love that have you live your dream life now? Take those actions on regularly.

The future is just a thought - life happens now. Start living it by design.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Only you can manifest the things you want in life because it is action that creates results. You are the only one who can take that action. Yet that’s not enough. Underneath all that action, the doing, is the foundation of who you are being. This is where magical things can happen. Shifting the way you approach people, situations, the world, is the real key to fulfillment. Getting clear on where you’re coming from, the lens through which you see the world, and how you get in your own way gives you access to choosing something else. In distinguishing this paradigm, you receive the gift of opportunity to create choices and actions from an empowered place in line with the vision you hold for your life.

Believe it or not you really do have a choice – you can either continue operating from the disempowering pattern that’s not getting you what you want, or you can choose something new, something outside your comfort zone that resides in the realm of possibility, something that liberates you from limitation and moves you forward. You have the incredible ability to create your life rather than react to it.

What’s possible for you is simply what you say is possible. So what will you create and who will you BE in creating it?

You can make a choice that empowers you, make a choice that disempowers you, or make no choice, which is always a choice, and an automatically disempowering one at that.

What will you choose this week?