Thursday, March 19, 2009


What's your current relationship to trust? Really take a look for a minute. How does the concept of trust show up for you in life? Do you rarely give it? Only give it conditionally? Feel that it's always betrayed when given?

If your response was in any way similar to the examples, you are not alone.

Most people are so terrified of getting hurt that they spend their lives never fully opening up to anyone yet baffled as to why they feel so deeply alone in the world.

Now imagine what the world might look like if people were truly authentic and vulnerable with one another. Just consider the possibilities of a world where people actually connected with one another on a very real, very heartfelt level.

Creating that world starts with you.

So I'm going to present a new possibility. One that redefines the way you relate to trust. Practice giving trust as a gift. A wonderful present that you generously and lovingly give to all those who touch your life. Notice what it creates.

It doesn't really matter so much what they do with it; they may give it back, they may put it away and not look at it for years, or they may open it and allow it to permeate their life. No matter what, you get to say if YOUR life is filled with love and connection or guardedness and fear. What do you choose?

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